The Phoenix Tears Official – Rick Simpson's only website

Cash Flow! with James Martinez

James Martinez interviews Rick Simpson, Dr. Bob Melamede and Mr. Cullins, a patient of Rick Simpson’s.

Medical Freedom Fighter Rick Simpson
Rick Simpson

My special guest Rick Simpson has done what few have ever done. Stand up and tell the truth about Hemp Oil and it’s effects on disease. This is one of the biggest stories in the world and the answer to many peoples problems. Support Rick Simpson and listen to the truth about disease and your medical future. It’s up to you to take a stand as he has. When we stand together. We all win.

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Money-Finance and Medical Cannabis
Dr. Bob Melamede

Dr. Melamede is a published professor who taught and carried out research at New York Medical College, University of Vermont and the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. He specializes in the fields of base excision DNA repair, free radicals, the endocannabinoid system an how far from equilibrium thermodynamics explains the physics of life and the unique role that cannabinoids play as anti-aging compounds that promote health. Dr. Melamede is one of the rare scientist activists who through political activities and education has helped provide the underlying scientific framework in support of medical marijuana. More recently, Dr. Melamede is CEO and president of the publicly traded company Cannabis Science (CBIS). Cannabis Science is devoted to bringing oral cannabis-based medicines through the FDA. They are in particular focusing on the use of oral cannabis extracts to treat veterans suffering from chronic pain and PTSD.

Listen To The Interview

Money-Greed-Health And Your Liberation
Hemp Oil – A Testimony From Mr. Cullins – Not To Be Missed

Weeks ago I interviewed the pioneer of hemp oil Rick Simpson. Currently in political exile over saving peoples lives from a corrupt medical world wide medical system. My interview with Mr. Cullins is the testimony of the truth of hemp oil and the liberation of your health. Forever. If there was a shadow of doubt of Rick Simpsons story now you’ll hear Mr. Cullins. Celebrate today and know you can take back your health.

Listen To The Interview

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Please Read

Due to the overwhelming amount of emails we are now receiving everyday, we are asking the public to please go over the information carefully that has just been recently updated on this website and this should enable most, to find the answers to whatever questions they may have.

With only so many hours in the day and with just two of us available to reply to your emails, we simply cannot keep up with the demands the public are now placing upon us.
Therefore, it will not be possible for us to answer your questions any longer, for we simply do not have the time and resources, to continue to play this role in the future.  

All the information that one should require concerning the production and use of these extracts, can be found in the new texts available on the website. This is the only website that Rick Simpson is associate with.

We do not provide or sell these extracts and we are not connected with any organisations or individuals who do,  our only aim is to furnish you with the information and knowledge, which will allow you to produce this amazing medication yourself.


To help further his fight and provide the information available on this website, please purchase Rick's books at:

Simpson RamaDur LLC

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