See pictures from the march here and read the speech below.
To most people, when they hear the word Prague, they envision a beautiful city that looks as if it might have come straight out of a fairy tale. To many people it would seem that hemp and its use would be out of place in such a setting. But the Czech Republic has a very long history with the use of this plant.
The current Czech government does have laws in place against hemp´s medicinal use. But with hemp´s historical use here, a large segment of the population do not look down upon hemp, instead they revere this plant and its uses. It seems that many people here in the Czech Republic realize that what they were told by the government about why hemp´s medicinal use is restricted makes no sense. How do you convince a nation that have used this plant for thousands of years that there is now something dangerous or harmful about it when they know this not to be true?
The role the Czech government is playing is quite understandable, since they are operating on policies that have been forced upon them by other nations. Unfortunately these other nations are promoting policies that restrict hemp´s medicinal use due to corruption.
It is very hard for the government of a country of the size of the Czech Republic to go against the grain of so many other countries and allow their citizens the medicinal use of this amazing plant. But when public opinion forces it upon them, they can do little else and that is what’s taking place here in the Czech Republic at the present time.
Countries like the US put these restrictions against hemp´s use in place through the United Nations. Yet they seem to be unable to even enforce these policies upon their own people. Look at the number of states in the US that are now allowing the medicinal use of hemp. So why should the Czech Republic follow guidelines that restrict hemp´s use when countries that put these guidelines in place do not enforce them?
If the people of other nations that restrict hemp´s medicinal use want to continue to suffer and die needlessly, it´s their business. But we here in the Czech Republic are fighting to see that what’s in the public´s best interests is done in regards to the issue of hemp´s medicinal use and we are gaining legions of followers every day.
When I first came to the Czech Republic, I fell in love with this beautiful country and its people. There is a sense of freedom here that I have never experienced anywhere else and in the future I hope to make the Czech Republic my home.
Right from the first I knew the idea of hemp´s complete legalization was popular here. But until we had the march in Prague on May 8th 2010, I did not know the extent of these feelings. When I went to Prague to attend the march and affirm myself as the new leader of the hemp movement, I really did not know what to expect when I arrived there.
Just before the march began, I was taken to downtown Prague where everyone was gathering. At first it seemed that there was about 2000 people present ready to march. But when the march began, I was shocked at the number of people marching behind me.
When the march reached Wenceslas Square in the center of Prague, I looked back and could not believe what I was seeing. Wenceslas Square is huge, but it was completely filled by people who were marching with us. At the time I could not even estimate the number of people participating. But it was later reported by the papers that about 12,000 people were marching that day and many more were cheering our efforts from the sidelines.
I was told by many, that they had not seen that many people protesting in Wenceslas Square since the Velvet Revolution that expelled the Communists took place in November of 1989.
Indeed there is a very strong movement afoot here in the Czech Republic for the complete legalization of hemp´s medicinal use. The public is starting to demand that something be done about this situation and the government has no choice but to act.
We are winning the war against ignorance and soon this medicine will be available to all here in the Czech Republic. Once the citizens of other nations become aware of what has really been going on, I do not think they will hesitate to join our cause.
Stand up and make it happen and let us rid ourselves of all the lies and deceptions of the past. The people are the power and governments are very well aware of this fact. When enough of us stand against the insanity that has been forced upon us, all will change.
When I say that properly produced hemp medicine is a cure all, it is not an idle boast, and I would be more than happy to prove what I am saying. Isn’t it about time we had medicine that really does work, yet does no harm? Get behind me and the hemp movement to help us bring the healing power of this plant to the public. Your very life and the lives of those you care about are at stake.
Yours truly,
Rick Simpson
The Million Man March
Rick Simpson´s speech at the Prague´s Million Marijuana March, May 2010
It´s great to be here in Prague with all you wonderful people who are fighting for the rights of everyone to have free use of this phenomenal healing plant
It had been my hope that the truth about the healing power of the hemp plant might be exposed here first in the Czech Republic. And that the Czech government would be the first to act to do what’s right for the people.
Unfortunately at the present time it seems that not much is being done in regards to looking into this issue by the government. All this is of little consequence since this coming November California is looking at full legalization.
When that occurs there will be no holding this medicine back it will literally explode upon the earth in a wave of healing. But I still feel that it is a great shame that not more is being done here in the Czech Republic. For people are suffering and dying here too and this medicine would be of great benefit to them.
When this medicine does finally come on the scene a few months from now, it will be too late for many who are suffering at the present time. The wheels of government turn slowly and unfortunately many will pay with their lives for the governments lack of resolve to do anything about this issue.
Due to the wishes of Jack Herer, it seems that I am to become the new leader of the hemp movement. Jack like myself realized that due to all the corruption surrounding the growing and use of this plant that the only possible way for it to be recognized for what it truly is would be for the public to become aware of the amazing healing power this plant has within it.
For a very long time now that is the mission I have been on and now there is no holding the hemp movement or the hemp plant back.
This oil is proving itself to thousands of people worldwide everyday. Now people everywhere are seeing the miracles medicines produced from this plant are capable of.
In the coming months I will be traveling throughout Europe speaking and doing seminars on hemp medicine. The faster we can put an end to this madness the more quickly we can get the medicine to those who need it most.
I am not saying that this medicinal oil can save everyone but it does have an almost unbelievable success rate and already many owe their lives to its use.
On May the 11th, I am speaking at a benefit concert for Dusan Dvorak another hemp activist that is being persecuted by the system for the crime of helping others like I am. Dusan was one of the first to act to bring hemp oil to those in need here in the Czech Republic. Dusan and his family deserve all the support we can give them. If you are free to do so please attend and support Dusan.
A few months ago in the United States Eddy Lepp, another well known activist in our movement, was given a 10 year prison sentence for the role he played in helping his fellow man.
How long are we to tolerate the crimes that are being committed against us and do nothing to put a stop to it?
If you know someone who is facing charges related to the hemp plant, support them attend court complain to your local politicians, make your voice heard and tell them you are sick of what they are doing.
How could anyone be considered a criminal for growing a harmless god given plant? The people who grow the hemp plant for its medicinal use are not the criminals but those who persecute them are.
When Jack Herer passed away it was a devastating blow to the hemp movement. People of Jacks calibre do not come along everyday and his presence will be sorely missed by us all.
Now it is left to us to fulfill Jacks dream of planting hemp everywhere using it for everything and in every possible way. We must show the world the wisdom of the knowledge that Jack left behind for us all.
Long live the memory of our Emperor Jack Herer. Now let’s make his dream for us all come true.