A Cure for Cancer: Max Igan talks with Rick Simpson
American Voice Radio
Transcribed by Liz Patton
“Laws are only words written on paper. Words that change on society’s whim and are interpreted differently daily by politicians, lawyers, judges and policemen. Anyone who believes that all laws should always be obeyed would have made a fine slave catcher. And anyone who believes that all laws are applied equally, despite race, religion or economic status, is a fool.”
That quote comes from John Jay Miller.
Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It’s a pleasure to be with you once again. I will be your host for the next hour.
Now speaking about breaking the law, I have a guest on the show today who some may consider to be a criminal simply because he has broken laws, but the true fact is that what this man has done is, he has done what is right. As I’ve said many times on this show before, laws that are put in place that have no basis in justice and do not empower humanity, really must be considered as void. Such laws are truly no law and they are entitled to no obedience regardless of which legislation they fall under. Remembering very much that most of these so-called laws are merely statues anyway, and statutes are not laws. Statutes are simply legislation that is given the power of law through the consent of the governed. And when such legislation is put in place and it serves to dis-empower or act as the agent of injustice towards human beings, then such laws very much need to be broken.
The man I refer to is a Canadian by the name of Rick Simpson. Rick is currently living in exile at the moment. He is unable to return home to Canada, because when he does return home he will face charges upon arriving in Canada. And Rick faces these charges because he has in fact cured a very large number of people of terminal diseases such as cancer, but the method that he has used to do so is classed as illegal by the Canadian government; as the method that he has used to cure these people is through the medical application of hemp oil.
Rick is the producer of a documentary entitled Run From the Cure – the Rick Simpson Story, which documents his experiences in healing people with hemp oil. Ricks website is phoenixtears.ca. I believe the film Run From the Cure may be obtained from that website, and I also have it embedded on thecrowhouse.com. Phoenixtears.ca is actually the featured website on thecrowhouse.com this week as well.
Now in my defense of this plant, please understand that I am in no way condoning the smoking of pot. I’m not suggesting that people become pot heads, but folks, hemp is not a dangerous drug as the authorities would have you believe. I’ve always found it quite remarkable that the authorities ban things like hemp, and yet allow people to purchase alcohol, for example, which is a dangerous drug and which has been responsible for the death of many many thousands of people. Hemp on the other hand, is of course a plant that grows naturally on this planet, and has in fact been responsible for exactly zero deaths in the 5,000 of its recorded use. We intend to discuss these matters and more today.
And folks, when you truly understand the healing properties of this plant, then consider that this plant is banned, then there really should be no doubt in your mind who your government actually works for. And I will confirm for you right now that it is most certainly is not the people. Because if they did work for the people, then one would think that they might act in the best interests of the people, and this they most certainly do not.
You know me folks, once I get started, I could probably babble on about government corruption for hours on end. But I will attempt to control myself a little bit for you and without further ado we can go to my guest this week, Mr. Rick Simpson.
Max: Rick Simpson, welcome to the show. It’s a pleasure to have you on, mate.
Rick: Thank you very much, Max. It’s a pleasure to be here. It’s always good to spread the word.
Max: So I’ve just said in the intro that you are facing a bit of trouble if you ever go back to Canada. Could you tell us what that’s all about?
Rick: Well, I have been supplying oil made from the hemp plant, or well, a lot of people call it marijuana or cannabis, but know to farmers all through history it was known as hemp. I’ve been supplying this oil to people in Canada since 2003. Basically it’s a cure-all. It’s an ancient cure-all that was used in medicine for thousands and thousands of years, and through corruption governments of today have rejected the use of this plant as a medicine, but it’s the most medicinal plant on Earth, and was always recognized as being such all through history. Up until about 1900, half the medicine produced worldwide came from this plant. Cannabis (or hemp) is nonaddictive. It’s harmless. No one has ever died from its use. And like I said, it’s been used in medicine for thousands of years. So there is absolutely no rational reason why this plant should not be used, except that it steps on the toes of all of these big money types like the pharmaceutical companies. They don’t want people to be able to heal themselves.
What we’ve done; basically what I’ve done, I found out what the essential oil from this plant can do, and it is literally a cure-all. It works on all types of medical conditions. We are curing cancer with it, MS, arthritis, diabetes. It’s just an amazing substance.
So what we did, we made a documentary back in 2008. We put it out in January of 2008 called Run From the Cure. And we showed everyone how they could produce this medicine themselves. If you have terminal cancer or any type of cancer, you can just go out and get your hands on some good Indica bud and produce the medicine yourself and we showed in the documentary how you can do that. Just about anyone can make their own medicine with the use of a rice cooker and some solvent. It’s a very simple thing. I think we all have the right to heal, Max. And that’s whats been hidden from us.
Max: Yeah, absolutely. I actually watched Run From the Cure the other day. I think you did a very good job with it and showed just how easy it is. Now you’ve been healing people with this medicine as you say since 2003. When you left Canada, what happened so that you couldn’t go back to Canada?
Rick: Well, they kept raiding me. I was raided in 2003. This is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They raided me in 2003, 2005, 2006, and then again last November when I was attending the Cannabis Cup; they made me Freedom Fighter of the Year. And while I was at the cup, the R.C.M.P. raided my house again, but this time…they were just there to do a frame job. The police knew…I mean, I didn’t make any secret of what I was doing. I went to all the right people in Canada to bring this out. The Cancer Society. All the political parties. Information and science shows that are popular in Canada. We even went to the United Nations about this and nobody would lift a finger. Nobody wants the cure. The big drug companies are just making too much money off of us.
Max: Absolutely. Cancer is the most profitable disease on the planet. It absolutely is. And it’s also one of the most curable diseases on the planet. I mean, the wonders that we’ve got from hemp are incredible. There are so many different things you can do with this plant. Henry Ford isolated the celluloids in it and made a car out of it in the 1940’s. You couldn’t put a dent in this thing with an 8 pound hammer.
You can actually isolate, I believe the hurd. In the middle of the stem, there’s a white crumbly substance called a hurd, you can mix that with lime and create a substance that is much stronger than concrete and much lighter than concrete. You can build a car out of it, then build a shed to put it in as well. And it also makes the best quality paper, the best quality building materials, the best quality materials, and now you’ve discovered that it is also a medicine. It really is an incredibly useful plant. As I was saying before, there is no doubt who the governments work for just because this plant is illegal. When you look at what this plant can do, and you’ve got to ask yourself ‘why is this plant illegal?’
Rick: It’s just the way they went about it too. Back in the 1960’s, when smoking pot became popular, well all of these medical people were finding just smoking it was helping them with medical issues. What I do is not about smoking it. It’s about taking the essential oil and ingesting it. You can ingest it orally, or you can use it as a suppository, or you can vaporize it or you can use the oil topically on skin cancers and conditions such as psoriasis.
As a matter of fact, Dr. Robert Melamede in the States, his girlfriend Jackie, she lives in Australia, and Bob just reported to me the other day that the oil has just cured her skin cancer. I’ve talked to Jackie on Skype and she told me that skin cancer is outrageous I guess in Australia. She said every 2nd person has it.
Well, there’s a cure and it’s not just skin cancer. I mean, we’re treating people with stage 4 lung cancers and that type of thing. If they get on this oil and get away from the medical system, these people still have a chance. But they have to realize what the medical system is doing is not medicine, it’s madness.
When doctors go through medical school, they take their Hippocratic Oath and all of that. Well read in the oath, “I shall not administer poison, and first do no harm”. The minute these people become doctors they start giving us liver toxic chemicals. That’s chemicals that are poison to the liver. Right there they are breaking the Hippocratic Oath. Then you look at treatments that they give people for cancer – chemotherapy and radiation. Now that is just total insanity! These are carcinogenic treatments. They do not cure cancer. And everyone knows it. Even famous medical journals such as The Lancet did articles years ago. They took I think 600 people and 300 that took no treatments at all, and the other 300 took chemo. Well, the findings were simple. The ones that lived the longest were the ones who took no chemo. And The Lancet came out and stated that chemotherapy is just a faster way to die, but doctors pass it out just like it’s popcorn.
So as far as I’m concerned, most doctors today..I mean, I have great respect for surgeons. You know, if you get in an accident and break a leg, we need somebody to put us back together. That side of medicine is okay. But when you look at the other side, all of these doctors prescribing these chemicals and poisons; and as far as I’m concerned, they are just dealers in death. They are drug dealers for the pharmaceutical companies. Their brand in medicine – alopathic medicine. Medicine from chemicals is being forced upon us. If you want to heal, you need empiric medicine. Medicine from plants. And that’s what we used all through history.
Max: Yeah, well they really are selling sickness. That’s what a lot of big pharma does. That’s what a lot of the medical industry does. A few shows ago, I was talking about how the FDA approved fungicides that they use on vegetables now. When you and were kids Rick, people didn’t get cancer. There would be someone occasionally you’d hear who got this terrible disease, but now it’s so rampant. So many people get cancer now, but they never did years ago. You’ll find that the FDA fungicides that they put on vegetables, they prevent the vegetables themselves from producing their own anti-fungal agents. And these are things called salvesterols. When you eat salvesterols in vegetables there’s an enzyme or protein in the salvestrols called CYP1B1. And when it comes in contact with cancer it actually turns into a cancer fighting agent. So it’s the use of all of these chemicals on food which has given us the cancer, and now they’ve got this incredibly profitable disease that they tell people they can’t find a cure for when it’s really quite curable, it’s just not curable by chemical methods. You can see this vicious cycle. And when you really look at it all, it doesn’t seem like it’s being done by accident. That’s the scary part about it.
Rick: Oh, no. It was never done by accident, Max. I mean, a medical school in Virginia in the early ’70’s is where…I heard a radio broadcast and of course the announcer was laughing like an idiot. Every time the word marijuana is used they have to make a joke out of it for some reason.
See, my cousin died in 1972 at 25 years old from cancer. He was the first one I ever knew. I was 23 when he died. Up until that point I had never known anybody that even had cancer. So it’s like you said, back in the ’50’s, 60’s and early ’70’s, cancer was relatively rare. But through the years through a lot of these chemicals and everything they are doing to us, the cancer rates have shot through the roof.
Well, I mean its just common sense. If we would just listen to the things our parents told us like, “you are what you eat”. And when you look at what’s going on the worlds food supply especially in North America. North America has the poorest food supply on Earth. The animals are full of antibiotics and hormones. All your meat. And when you look at all the preservatives and chemicals, and companies like Monsanto with this genetic modification, I mean this is just outrageous what they are doing.
And when you look into things like Codex Alimentarius – the outlawing of the natural. I mean, who has the right to outlaw vitamins and nutrition? I mean, this is insane what they are doing. But people don’t know what they’re doing. And these governments put these laws and idiotic rules in place, and like a herd of sheep we’re supposed to follow them. It’s a very sad situation, Max.
Max: Well it is. What I’ve talked about off and on the show, what we are actually seeing is the genetic modification of the human race, unbeknownst to the human race. They are depopulating a lot of the planet, and they are basically genetically altering all life on the planet through this manipulation of the food chain that they’re doing. We’ve lost so many species of food now, and everything is genetically modified just about that you can find. Even in Queensland this year in Australia, they released something like 50 tons of genetically modified mosquitoes for some reason. I mean, it’s incredible, like you say what they are doing to the whole food chain. There’s some really really bad stuff going on. And I believe that the biggest problem that we face with it is people simply aren’t aware of it. Most of them just don’t want to be aware of it. It’s terrible, because if they were, that’s the way to fix it all. All we need is a mass movement of noncompliance to what these people are doing, because we are being attacked on all fronts. And having something like hemp illegal, and even giving it the Mexican colloquialism of marijuana, they call it a street name when it was hemp. It was a respected plant for centuries. And as you say it’s killed nobody in 5,000 years of recorded use, whereas I can go and buy a bottle of Vodka from the local bottle shop, I can walk out on the street and skull the whole bottle and die on the pavement. Not a problem. So I don’t think it’s illegal because they actually care about us. That should be a bit of a sign for people
Rick: Back in the 1800’s, if you look back into the old pharmacopeias, practically all the drug companies were producing hemp based medications, cannabis based tinctures, that type of things. Eli Lilly were selling hash pills as pain killers. When you have all of these companies back in the 1800’s, or in the mid 1800’s is when they started producing this medication in a big way, and they produced it for many many decades right up to the early 1900’s. Back at that time it was common practice for these companies to take many of these medicinal herbs and plants and produce the essential oil from them, and then make these oils available to the public as a medicine. Well I mean, that’s all well and good, but the minute you make the essential oil from the hemp plant, you’re making the same oil that I’m healing everyone with.
So as far as I’m concerned, the drug companies, I really believe that they’ve known how to cure cancer for about 150 years. I mean, there’s no possible way that they could have overlooked this. So they’ve known about this for a very long time and the sad thing is when they put all of these laws in place, if the people only understood the history of this plant, and many of the founding fathers like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, people like that, they used hemp themselves. George Washington, they found the resins in his pipe, and it was stated right in his writings that he used to love to sit on his veranda with his pipe full of hemp in the evenings. Obviously George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and these people were very clear thinkers. I mean, they’re the ones who came up with things like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Now whoever wrote these wonderful papers had to be astute, wide awake to write such a thing. So that should tell you right there that hemp proposes no threat to the public. Getting high on hemp is literally a joke.
When you look at the pharmaceutical industry, it was passed back to them in the mid ’70’s I think by Gerald Ford. So the pharmaceutical was supposed to look into the cannabaniod. And their big goal was to produce a medicine that wouldn’t get you high. Well, look at what the pharmaceutical industry provides people with all of these opiates and everything. I mean, people get high as a kite on these things. And if you take too much of these chemicals and these strong opiates that the pharmaceutical industry provides, you’re on a way one trip to the graveyard. But nobody dies from hemp. Actually, the so-called high that people get from hemp actually helps with the healing process. It’s the high, you know, from the heavy indicus strains makes you sleepy. It makes you want to lay down. That’s part of healing. And part of the high also kills your pain. So as far as taking the high out of this medicine it’s ridiculous.
Once people in the beginning when people start ingesting it, say for a series of internal cancer, they start with little tiny doses 3 times a day and then every 4 days they increase their dosage. Then usually after 4 or 5 weeks they’re up to the point where they can ingest 1/3 of a gram a dose. So that makes like 3 doses, that’s over the 24 hour period. Once they’re at that point, then they can just keep ingesting it until they’re cured.
What happens when you take the oil, within an hour, usually it’s telling you to go lay down. And it does that even in the daytime like when you take it in the beginning, but in a very short time that daytime tiredness just fades away and then literally you’re back to normal. I warn people not to drive their cars in the beginning until they get the feel of this, but usually within 3 weeks they can drive again, because with this medication you’re not impaired. It doesn’t impair your motor skills like alcohol or opiates. It doesn’t impair your motor skills so you’re not impaired. They are actually trying to put laws in place for people, if they catch you smoking pot that they can take your license, the same as they do with alcohol. That’s totally ridiculous. I mean, I drove vehicles for many years using this oil and it’s never interfered in any way and I am certainly not impaired from using it. As a matter of fact, you can’t even tell once a person is used to it, you can’t tell they’re taking this medication.
Max: I would suggest as well, the reason they’re trying to produce plants that don’t get you high, it’s not really about not getting you high, it’s about the THC. They don’t want the plants to have any THC in them, because obviously you need the THC to make the medicine.
Rick: I heard here just a while ago, the pharmaceutical companies are looking into and coming up with medicines from the hemp plant, but what they’re going to do is mix it in with chemotherapy. Well, you’re mixing the cure in with the poison! I just don’t understand why people would swallow what they do from their doctors. I mean, we all know that chemo is poison. Why do people think that poison is going to heal them? Just sit down, take enough poison to knock out your hair, ruin your immune system and that’s going to save you life. That is lunacy!
Max: I think there is probably something even a little bit more insidious than that.
We have to take a break here, so we’ll continue along that line when we come back in a few minutes.
Welcome back folks. We’re here talking about the cures of hemp oil with Rick Simpson. Before the break we were talking about chemotherapy. Rick was just saying they were using hemp in chemotherapy as well. They’ve been making small medicines and tinctures and giving them to cancer patients, but they’re saying that the patients also have to have chemotherapy as well.
It’s interesting that chemotherapy is a very expensive treatment. Something really insidious about all of this; I’ve always looked at chemotherapy and thought that because it’s so expensive they tend to use it as a means of extracting what wealth people have gathered in their lives so they don’t get anything to pass on to their children. They give them all of these chemicals during their lives to give them cancer, and then once they’ve got cancer they take and give them chemotherapy so they can milk whatever they have left out of them. That’s what it really seems like to me. It seems like a factory process. Maybe giving them this hemp oil maybe keeps them alive a little bit longer so they can milk a little bit more out of them. I don’t know. It’s probably a terrible thing to say, but I really don’t trust these people at all, and I wouldn’t put it past them to do something as insidious as that.
Rick: Last year when I did a speaking tour here in the Czech Republic with Dr. Lumir Hanus. Dr. Hanus is one of the greatest experts in this field. He works with Dr. Mechoulam who discovered THC. We were speaking at a medical school in Olomouc. So when I was done, this young medical student, she walked up to me and she said, “Well, you are calling doctors murderers.”
And I said, “Well dear, if I give someone poison and they die from its effects, what would you call me?” And I said, “Does it make any difference that the person that provides the poison is wearing a white coat?”
She didn’t like what I had to say, and turned right around and said, “The medical faculty of this university wants you back here on the 26th of October, and we’re going to set you straight.”
As soon as she said that, I said, “ Look, get every doctor in Czech Republic here on the on the 26th and we’ll see who gets set straight.”
Now, the people that were putting on the tour – Bayer & Romsy Hemp Cosmetics were all excited about this. “Rick, if a university takes you on, then the news media will get involved.”
And I just laughed and I said, “Nobody is going to take me on.”
Lumir says, “They just said they were.”
And I said, “Well, what have they got to take me on with? I’m the only one who is telling the truth here.”
Three days later, the university called up and canceled.
Max: Yeah.
Rick: They are running from this. For the most part, doctors don’t want this type of medication out there, because if everybody had a jar of this medicine that they can grow themselves and produce themselves, if everyone had a jar of this in their home, about 9 out of 10 doctors would be out of work, and they know it.
Max: Yeah, that’s the thing, mate. It’s such a profitable business, the medical business. They really do just sell sickness to people. That’s all they do.
So what are your plans for the future? Are you going to try to get back into Canada? What do you intend to do with all this? Just keep fighting the fight from where you are?
Rick: Since Jack Herer died last spring…it was Jacks dying wish that I would become the new leader of the hemp movement in his place. So I’ve done that. I had great respect for Jack Herer. As far as Canada goes, I went to court, I went through a charter challenge in Canada and under the Canadian Charter of Rights it states right in our Charter of Rights that we have the right to life. But yet in my situation, I have post concussion syndrome. I went through a charter challenge. I had 48 sworn affidavits. They just rejected the affidavits, said they were anecdotal, and said that I presented no life-threatening conditions. Post concussion syndrome that drives your blood pressure crazy and all this, that’s certainly very life threatening. And on top of that, I had cured my own cancer. This judge when he came down with this decision, I mean, he’s stating that cancer is not life-threatening, and post concussion syndrome isn’t life threatening. That’s insanity!
The charter challenge certainly didn’t work. Although right there under my Charter of Rights, that judge by not doing the right thing in this case…who is right here? Is the Charter of Rights not worth the paper it’s written on? And if the Charter of Rights is worth the paper it’s written on, then that judge should be going to jail.
From the charter challenge I went on to the Supreme Court with the same judge and the same prosecutors. They all know that this cured cancer. I had 10 patients ready to testify. Some of them had been cured with terminal cancer. I also had subpoenaed 6 doctors in to testify. Of course, they weren’t there willingly. But what I was going to do was put the patients on the stand and let them tell the jury what the oil had done for them, then I was going to put the doctor on. That way they couldn’t lie. But they wouldn’t allow me to put any of the patients on the stand. They wouldn’t allow me to introduce any of the scientific evidence, because to introduce scientific evidence you have to have the author of the study in the courtroom, which I thought was kind of insane. We went through all this. In the end what they had to do, they stooped to jury tampering in the end to see that I was convicted. I’d seen how corrupt the whole Canadian system is. So when I came to Europe and heard that the R.C.M.P. had raided me again, I knew what to expect. If I went back to Canada they would charge me, put me in jail without my medication, which I need to live. Then it would be “Rick Simpson dies of natural causes in jail.”
I’m going to fight them. I stayed in Europe to fight them from over here. I’ve been looking for a country, any country where a government that is actually honest enough to do this. Do this for your public. I can prove this to anyone, any government in a month, that everything I am saying is true. As a matter of fact, anyone can prove it to themselves.
I’ve done a great number of internet broadcasts and radio shows. And I always tell people when I do these shows, “Look you don’t have to believe me. As a matter of fact, don’t believe a word I am saying. Simply go out and get 1 ounce of hemp bud, produce the essential oil from it from our instructions, go out and find someone with a skin cancer or diabetic ulcer that won’t heal, or a bad burn, and put that oil on the burn or on the cancer, put a bandage on it and watch what happens.” Anybody can prove it to themselves.
Back when I first started doing this, producing the oil myself, I was taking a lot of chemicals from the medical system, so my thinking, believe me at the time wasn’t too good. So what happened was, I wound up setting myself on fire. My right hand was severely burned. Three-quarters of my hand literally melted. It was hanging in gobs. It was just horrible. My girlfriend came down and she had seen the mess, and she took a pair of scissors and cut off the dead flesh. But in 11 days, my hand completely healed. Nothing but pink skin. No scarring or anything else. Completely healed from 3rd degree burns in 11 days.
Now look what goes on in these burn units. Children that are burned badly in house fires and that type of thing, They take them into these burn units. They’re subject to infections, all kinds of operations and skin grafts and in the end they are still badly scarred. The essential oil of the hemp plant is a natural anesthetic and it’s a natural anti-biotic. So when you put the oil from the hemp plant right on to a burn, within 5 minutes the burn is gone, you know that burning feeling is gone. And they heal in no time. So again, when you look at burn units, why aren’t we using this?
Max: Yeah well mate, we should be using it for so many things. As I said earlier on, the fact that its illegal, people really need to understand that their governments do not work for them. The governments work for other people. The governments are there simply to control the masses so that we don’t do stuff like that. And we really need a huge amount of public awareness for this stuff. We really do. I really think the only way we’re ever going to get through any of this is people start standing up. If you go to court for this, I mean, I can’t understand why there aren’t thousands and thousands of people there supporting you. You’re presenting a cure that will cure virtually anything and it’s being made illegal because of silly little lines on pieces of paper by men with psychopathic tendencies who don’t want people to be cured. What law is it that says I have to die? What law is it that says I can’t cure myself of a terminal disease unless some chemical companies comes up with a cure for it? It doesn’t make sense at all. I think people need to be aware of this. And we really do need to have some sort of a peaceful mass uprising. A peaceful act of non-compliance to this system. We really really have to stop complying with system, Rick.
Rick: You’re so right, Max. But the problem is with this thing, a lot of it is the news media. The news media is controlled by the big money. We all know that. I know it from going through my court case; the articles that were done were so jaded. I had treated a great number of people and I did have support, but with these jaded newspaper articles coming out and these reports they put on the news on TV. I mean, I had 3 TV networks in my home in 2006. CTV, CBC and Global News. They were all there. This was when they closed the Legion down because I had the support of my local Legion branch. And Maritime Command actually came in with the R.P.M.C. and closed the legion down because we were having these meetings about this medicine. That’s how pathetic it all really is.
I just could not conceive that so many people would stand in the way of this cure. In the beginning, back in 2003 when I started contacting the governments and all these people about this, I was under the illusion that they actually wanted a cure. But within a year after contacting all of these people, I realized that nobody wanted a cure except for the people that actually had the diseases. They wanted the medicine and wanted to be treated and cured, but the system stood against them. I kept doing this. I did it because it was the right thing to do. I kept treating people. Actually I’ve treated thousands and thousands of people. I just continued on, hoping that the government would wake up and do the right thing, but they never did.
Max: I was going to ask you how many people you actually treated. How many people do you think you have treated, Rick?
Rick: Overall I’ve had…from 2003 until 2009 when I left Canada, somewhere around 2,500 to 3,000 people actually came right to my door, plus I was contacted by many people just through the mail and I shipped oil all over Canada. For years I just grew it and gave it away. I gave the medication away free. But towards the end of it the R.C.M.P. kept coming and taking what I needed to produce the medicine, so then I started buying it from other growers so people would have to cover the cost of whatever material would cost, but I produced the medicine for absolutely nothing, and I showed literally hundreds and hundreds of people how to produce it themselves. The ones who came to my house, I stepped them through it. In many cases I had them produce their own medicine. It was kind of an education program that I was running. One that the government didn’t like.
Max: How is it that we elect these governments who are supposedly governments of the people for the people, and we elect them from the people, supposedly. And we elect them to act on our behalf and to make sure that we’re looked after and the country is run well and that everything runs smoothly. How is it that when these people get to their elected positions suddenly they become our rulers, when they all take an oath of office and they swear to serve the public when they take their office, how come they suddenly get to be our rulers? What do you think that is with this mentality that they go along with this so willingly?
Rick: It is truly pathetic. One of the local politicians in Spring Hill, he went into politics back in the 1990’s. His name was Murray Scott. I had known him. He was a local police officer for many years. I asked him one time, I said, “Murray, why are you getting into this?”
And he told me, “Well Rick, I just want to help the people.”
About 3 or 4 years later when I discovered all of this I went to him. Several people he knew very well that actually supported him during his election campaigns, several of these people used this oil and it had cured them, some of them with terminal cancer. And he wouldn’t lift a finger. What it is as far as I’m concerned, it’s not that these people are bought. The parties are bought and paid for. To get into politics in Canada and many countries they always say ‘don’t vote for an independent. You’re just wasting your vote’. That’s insane, because the independent is the only one who will work for your best interest. When you elect a party member, he’s going to toe the party line. The party is controlled by corruption. It makes no difference. When you look at these countries, who’s elected Prime Minster or President, what party they come from. They are all controlled by the big money. None of them are working for the people. What we need, we need people to start voting for independent members. Take these places like Canada. We have Ottawa. Take Ottawa and turn it into a museum. All of these cabinet ministers that have these big cabinet posts and these huge expense accounts, toss them out. They don’t know what they’re doing anyway.
In a country the size of Canada you devote 2 dozen people, say 2 from different fields. Say 2 from farming, 2 from medicine, 2 from fishing. All of the different things that make the country kick. Put them in a think tank. Make it an open book policy to the public. Nothing hidden anymore from the public. No back door meetings. Let this think tank make the decisions that run the country day to day. If you need a figurehead, then appoint somebody that is beyond reproach as Prime Minister or what not. That would be real government for the people. Government with an open book policy. All of this hiding what they do in these secret meetings and the corruption of these parties, it’s gotta go Max.
Max: Absolutely. It’s like magic, Rick. They write these little lines on pieces of paper and everyone just does what they say. When you get to situations like a your police officer friend or a judge, they’ll very often say, “I had no choice. I was bound by the constraints of the law”. But these laws are just lines on pieces of paper. They don’t actually mean anything. They’re not reality. And most of them aren’t laws. Most of them are statues. Legislation given the power of law by consent of the governed. They’re not even laws, really.
Rick: They know what they’re doing. When I was in the Supreme Court case, as a matter of fact, I spoke many times. I said to the judge one time, I told the judge “Before this is over, you’re going to be the one who’s going to be going to jail.”
I remember one point, he said to me, “Mr. Simpson you can’t take what’s going on here personally.”
I came right out of the chair and I looked at him and said, “Take it personally? Those raids the R.C.M.P. conducted on my property, because of those raids people have died. Do I take that personally? You’re damn right I take it personally!”
The judge couldn’t even look me in the face. They just dropped their heads. There is no question they know what they’re doing. And they’re not representing the people that are paying them. They’re supposed to be public servants. Actually the legal system and organizations like the Royal Canadian Legion are supposed to be government watch dogs. When the government goes crazy, these organizations are supposed to reign the government in so they won’t institute these silly policies. But they don’t reign them in; they go along with them, because they are all part of the corruption.
When you look at this medicine, by denying this medicine to people, that’s called genocide. So all of these organizations that are involved with the government, are all guilty of complicity in genocide. That’s an ugly word, but if I have a medicine that can heal you and you’re dying from cancer, and I’m your government and refuse to give it to you, what’s that called?
Max: Exactly. It’s murder. It’s terrible what they are doing.
What are your plans for the future. Are you going to try to get back in to Canada. What do you have planned for the near future?
Rick: Actually, I’m just transcribing a book I’ve written about this subject. Last November when all this happened, I knew that public support was building for me, so I needed more time for support to build. And I needed time to write this book so I could get the real truth of what’s going on out to the public. So once the book is written, once the book is published..and hopefully within the next month, I figure within about 6 months after the book comes out, I’ll be able to go back to Canada and do whatever business I have to do there. But I don’t think the Canadian government will come near me, because the spotlight will really be on them for what they’ve been doing due to the book. I’m looking for a country with a good climate. Some place where you can grow a couple crops a year, and again some place with a half honest government for a change. So that’s my quest. And I’m still looking for such a country.
Max: I’d say come to Australia, but I can’t help you out in the government department, I’m afraid. We’ve got the climate, but not the government. Not a nice government anyway. It’s the same as any government in the western world
How can people help you out, Rick. Have you got a place where people can go and donate? Have you got anything for sale, or a website or anything people can help you out through?
Rick: I did have a donation button on our website, but since I’m not a registered…what do you call that?…non-profit organization, then Paypal refused to do it anymore through the website. The only way anyone can donate to it now is to actually send a check or money order right to my son, and he could see that the money gets through to me. But that’s about the only way you can do it right now, and it’s kind of awkward.
This thing is building very rapidly. The greatest experts on this planet in this subject are all agreeing with me. They can’t hold this medicine back. And this is what I’m seeing in Europe. The governments over here like in the Czech Republic and different countries, they know this medicine is coming, but they still want to control it. They want to control it’s use.
This is a God-given plant. It’s harmless, non-addictive, used in medicine for thousands of years. So as far as I’m concerned no government has the right to control this plants use medicinally. This plant belongs to us. It doesn’t belong to them. I know the governments will try to control this, but in the end it will be impossible, because if the governments are involved, the pharmaceutical companies will be involved and there will be a big price tag on this medicine. But since we put up the documentary and all the information on how people can make it themselves, the people that can’t afford the governments way will just continue to grow it and produce their own medicine. In the end, no government will ever control this medicines use again.
Max: I think that people are pretty well waking up to the government. I don’t think they’re going to have the stranglehold that they’ve got now, much longer over things. I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that we actually employ the government to look after us, and that we the people are actually the holders of the original jurisdiction. That most of the laws of these governments aren’t laws, they’re just legislation and they’re just rules. Just sociopathic rules, and we don’t actually have to do any of it.
I mean, I believe once we learn to put the common unity back in to community and start helping each other, start standing up for each other certainly. I think the whole world will change. Cases such as yours will help bring this to public light. This is such an important issue. It really is. Here we have a cure for virtually all the major ailments that we face and it’s being suppressed by the very people that we employ to act in our best interests. I think that should be a huge wake up call for people
Rick: All people have to do. If they go on YouTube and punch in my name you’ll see all kinds of YouTube clips up there. There are many people like Showna Banda. She’s used to oil to cure. She was dying on Crohns. She’s got a good video clip up and has written a book on this. We’ve got people like Dave Clipper who had a bad case of cancer in his nose. It shows the treatment he took, and in 3 weeks his cancer was cured. We’ve got a series of clips up there called Vitamin Cannabis. Again they proved that it cured the uncles cancer and everything I’m saying. Another series of clips is called Cancergate.
People keep coming up and saying, where is the scientific research. Well the scientific research is there, its just that the government is trying to hide it from people. But most of the research that was done was using synthetic THC. Things that the pharmaceutical industry produced. Synthetic THC has never been proved to be nearly effective as the natural substance. As I understand, the synthetic THC is like marinol. There are 3 or 4 of them. It is only effective for about 13% of people and apparently this comes with side effects. So synthetic THC has never worked. We need the natural substance. The pharmaceutical know about this substance, they know what it does, but for at least 40 years they havent brought it forward.
Since 2003 the American government has had a medicinal patent on this plant. The plant that they say is a schedule 1 non-medicinal plant, the American government themselves have medicinal patents in place and they have been in place since 2003. Now why would a government do such a thing?
Max: Hmm…I can’t even understand the concept of patenting a plant. It all doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t understand how peoples minds work like that. Even if someone said, “Look, I own this plants patent.,” I would just laugh at them. I’d tell them that’s not part of my reality, I’m afraid. It doesn’t make any sense to me at all. How can you patent a plant, you know? It’s absolutely absurd. It’s all magic, Rick. All these lines they put on pieces of paper, everyone goes along with it. Once we wake up to who and what we are and what we have on this planet, how we can all stand up together and say, “Hey guys, we’re not doing this anymore. We tried it your way. It doesn’t work. We’re going to do it this way now.”
And I really think it is that simple, but we need public awareness to make that happen.
Rick: It’s like you said Max, we need to bring the hemp plant back into major use worldwide. This plant like you said, there are like 50,000 things that can be produced from this plant including medicine. It can end world starvation. Hemp seeds themselves are one of the few things on this planet, if you only had hemp seeds to eat, you would never starve to death. But when you see these pictures of starving children in these harsh climates. Well hemp grows very well in harsh climates, so there is no reason for anyone to be starving to death on this planet. Their big game right now is to lower the population dramatically. I don’t see that myself. I think that this Earth can provide for everyone that is on the planet, but we have to start managing things properly.
Max: Exactly. The Earth isn’t overpopulated at all; it’s just badly managed, and it’s done deliberately. Hemp seed is also one of the only whole foods on the planet. It contains pretty well every nutrient that the human body needs to operate in perfect health.
It really does have a myriad of uses. You can use the fiber to make a very very strong chipboard building materials, concrete materials, plastic materials, medicines, paper, clothing…you can make just about everything out of this plant. And would also shut down many of the most pollutive industries that we have on this planet as well. And also when you plant it in the ground, it actually leaves the soil in better condition than you planted it. It is quite miraculous and an absolute that its illegal.
I think we’re out of time, Rick. I’ll have to get you back on here again to talk about how you’re going and keep track of what you’re doing. I wish you all luck with all of your efforts, and I really hope you get through with things when you get back to Canada. I hope there’s a lot of people standing up for you.
Rick: The numbers are increasing, but the main message I’m just trying to send to the people of this world is – it’s your body, it’s you life. You’re the one who has the right to determine what goes in it. When I look at the medical system, again like I said, all I see is insanity. Anybody that has a serious condition like cancer, look into the options. Look into other ways of treating it, because we all know that what the medical system does doesn’t work. If you’re diagnosed with a serious cancer, within 5 years you’ve got a 97% of being dead. So where is their success rate?
So what I am asking people of this planet to do is basically stand up for your rights. This planet belongs to you and no one else. And its high time that these governments realized it.
And that’s about where we’re going to have to end it today. It’s been great having you on the show and we will catch up soon. Thanks for coming on.
Rick: Okay Max. It’s been a pleasure being with you.
Max: Okay. Bye-bye.
Rick: Bye-bye, Max.
And that was Rick Simpson, folks. Very interesting fellow. The people of the world really do need to stand up and get behind this sort of stuff and get behind this sort of information. The fact that the governments don’t allow people to use these cures really does speak volumes, folks. We have to deal with it. We really do.
Well, that’s about it for today’s show now folks. I’ve got a huge backlog of emails and messages that I have to try and get through as well, so I apologize to anybody who is still waiting for replies to any messages you may have sent me. It’s been quite a hectic week, actually. We’ve had all sorts of things going on around here. Storms, power outages, loss of internet. And it’s been a wonderfully colorful week.
But that’s about it for the show anyway today folks. It’s been a pleasure talking with you again. I’ll look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Take care until then.
In Lak’ech.