The Phoenix Tears Official – Rick Simpson's only website

Mission Unstoppable

The next time the Canadian Cancer Society (Or any) come knocking on your door for the Run for the CURE, Rick Simpson says SHUT THE DOOR. This 58 year old Nova Scotia man called them to tell them about the miraculous cure he had found in hemp oil. He not only cured his OWN cancer but he cured dozens of others.

Why is everyone afraid? Hemp oil is not addictive, it doesn’t get these people stoned or high, in fact it has brought many back from the brink of death, those that the medical community gave up for dead. So Why aren’t they curious? Why don’t they want to explore what nature has provided?

Rick says because they can’t put a patent on Nature. There is NO MONEY to be made when people can grow and make their own. Are the Pharmaceutical companies THAT Powerful? YOU BET THEY ARE. Let’s look at Bill C51. Join us tonight with your Cancer story.

Listen To The Interview

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Please Read

Due to the overwhelming amount of emails we are now receiving everyday, we are asking the public to please go over the information carefully that has just been recently updated on this website and this should enable most, to find the answers to whatever questions they may have.

With only so many hours in the day and with just two of us available to reply to your emails, we simply cannot keep up with the demands the public are now placing upon us.
Therefore, it will not be possible for us to answer your questions any longer, for we simply do not have the time and resources, to continue to play this role in the future.  

All the information that one should require concerning the production and use of these extracts, can be found in the new texts available on the website. This is the only website that Rick Simpson is associate with.

We do not provide or sell these extracts and we are not connected with any organisations or individuals who do,  our only aim is to furnish you with the information and knowledge, which will allow you to produce this amazing medication yourself.


To help further his fight and provide the information available on this website, please purchase Rick's books at:

Simpson RamaDur LLC

or donate on the home page.

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