The Phoenix Tears Official – Rick Simpson's only website

Whose Oil Can You Trust

I’m here today because I am very disturbed about what is presently happening in North America. And I feel that the public need to be aware of what is truly going on so they can make informed decisions when purchasing hemp oil to treat themselves.

First off I want the public to know that I have no involvement with anyone who is supplying oil, and I have never received a penny from any of them. Also at present I have no involvement with foundations or any other organizations. The only thing I am connected with is the Phoenix Tears website and nothing else.

Until recently I was connected with the Phoenix Tears Foundation headed up by Janet Sweeney that is presently forming in Colorado. Janet has some top notch people like Dr. Bob Melamede involved and I certainly think this group is truly on the up and up.

The only reason I have withdrawn from this group was because due to the situation I am currently in, I cannot even enter the US. So for me that means there is no hands on and I really felt that I could play no active role, so I withdrew. Also at this time it´s more than I can do to just keep up with the emails we receive every day that come to our website.

So at the present to avoid further stress I thought it might be best to just stick with our website until things settle down a bit.

What´s happening right now is simply this. Every Tom Dick and Harry out there it seems is supplying hemp oil to people seeking help. But at present there is not quality control so in reality in most cases people have no idea what they are buying.

Unfortunately for me, many suppliers are using my name and the term Phoenix Tears to sell their substandard products and guess who gets all the complaints. The oil is everything I have told the public it is, but it must be produced from high grade starting material and it must be done in the proper way.

Unfortunately, a great number of suppliers at present seem to care little about the patient´s health and well-being. So they are producing low-grade oils and supply them to the public simply so they can fill their pockets.

Even worse still some people and groups around them are literally scamming patients out of vast amounts of money. I don’t like to bring up people´s names but there is one such group headed by Char Richardson in Colorado whose activities must cease.

So I feel that it is my duty to warn the public about this group, since I have received many complaints about their business practices. I believe they call their group Phoenix Tears Plus but there also many others who are doing the same thing.

That’s the reason I tell the public it´s best to produce your own oil at this time, until we have some standards in place. If you produce the oil yourself, at least then you know you have the real thing and to a dying patient, the proper oil can mean the difference between life and death.

The public must realize that all hemp is not created equal, the medicinal qualities from strain to strain can vary a great deal so the proper strains must be used. Also low-grade strains and clippings may produce a decent treatment for some skin conditions. But if you are trying to treat someone with a serious condition like cancer, low-grade oils just don’t cut it, only the best will do.

These are trying times for us all, but soon things will settle down and the public will have their medicine. It´s just a matter of time now, for there is no way for the system to put a stop to the truth from spreading. Properly produced hemp oil is the greatest medicine on this earth, and soon hemp will again take its rightful place in mainstream medicinal use.

Rick Simpson
August 2010

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Please Read

Due to the overwhelming amount of emails we are now receiving everyday, we are asking the public to please go over the information carefully that has just been recently updated on this website and this should enable most, to find the answers to whatever questions they may have.

With only so many hours in the day and with just two of us available to reply to your emails, we simply cannot keep up with the demands the public are now placing upon us.
Therefore, it will not be possible for us to answer your questions any longer, for we simply do not have the time and resources, to continue to play this role in the future.  

All the information that one should require concerning the production and use of these extracts, can be found in the new texts available on the website. This is the only website that Rick Simpson is associate with.

We do not provide or sell these extracts and we are not connected with any organisations or individuals who do,  our only aim is to furnish you with the information and knowledge, which will allow you to produce this amazing medication yourself.


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